<h5>INFO Refina 15 cfm <a href="https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB738GB738&biw=1734&bih=936&ei=llRuXL7OCJWZ1fAPhYK9iA8&q=refina+petrol+compressor&oq=refina+petrol+compressor&gs_l=psy-ab.3...618044.620181..622093...0.0..0.127.619.6j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i7i30j0.8CuyXRYLYjc">Petrol compressor</a></h5>
* AC15P 15cfm 5½hp compressor
* Portable compressor with petrol engine
* For powering spray guns & pumps
* For on site continuous use
* Power a wide range of tools & equipment inc<a href="https://www.pftplasteringmachines.com/product/texturing-hopper-gun-air-hose/"> hopper guns for spraying thin coat render</a>
* Honda petrol engines
* Supplied with solid rubber wheels as standard - pneumatic types are an optional extra
* Produced in the UK
The AC petrol compressors are British made with Honda engines, built to an industrial spec with heavy duty and slow running belt driven air pumps
The compressors will run all day on site and power a wide range of air tools, spray equipment, surface prep tools, mixers and drills The compressors are supplied with solid rubber wheels as standard
Price includes free delivery