<h2 class="serp-title" data-format="%title% %page% %sep% %sitename%" data-empty-title="Click to enter custom title">refina triple pack bucket</h2>
<pre><strong>Refina mixing bucket are excellent quality skimming buckets for plaster render resins paints that are reusable and very heavy duty. The buckets have comfortable handle attached for easy transportation</strong>
<strong>refina triple pack bucket Available as</strong>
<strong>1 bag 35 litres</strong>
<strong>2 bag 50 </strong><b>litres</b>
<strong>3 bag 75 litres</strong>
<strong>Ideal as skimming buckets used by plasterers, prefered by professionals over buckets from <a href="http://www.wickes.co.uk">wickes</a>,<a style="font-size: 16px;" href="http://www.diy.com">B&Q</a><span style="font-size: 16px;"> <a href="http://www.screwfix.com">Scr</a></span>ewfix etc</strong>
<strong>Take advantage of our Plaster mixing buckets in multipacks and save your money on postage costs.</strong>
<strong>35 ltr = 1 bag mix</strong>
<strong>50 lts = 2 bag mix</strong>
<strong>75 ltr = 3 bag mix</strong>
<pre><strong>Can be used with our <a href="https://www.pftplasteringmachines.com/product/long-handle-aluminium-bucket-scoop/">aluminium plaster scoop</a> for maximum comfort whilst loading your hawk.</strong></pre>
<pre><strong>Double side handle & a small ridge on the bottom of the plaster mixing bucket means this is easy to lift and tip out</strong>
<strong>Very strong white plastic. Large buckets used to mix up to 4 bags with a plaster mixer</strong>
<a href="https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-GB&source=hp&ei=OvTnW6bjKYiMgAa90KzIAQ&q=plaster+mixing+buckets&oq=plaster+mixing+buckets&gs_l=psy-ab.3..35i39k1j0i22i30k1.2019.7199.0.7693."><span style="color: #00ff00;">Best prices on internet</span></a>
Great price
Save postage with our famous triple pack.
Refina Skimming buckets, long lasting reusable mixing buckets.</pre>